Friday, April 24, 2009

What we need to do

We are a little bit behind on things however we just need to add extra footage for our flashbacks get the music, which will be produced by Rukhsar, and sort out our voiceover. Then the final perks such as the credits and final editing and hopefully our opening sequence will be complete. 
The flashbacks are going to be fast photos of memories which hopefully will  look good.

Jane and Rukhsar

List of things we need

The props we used were in Rukhsar's costume. Hooded jackets, trainers, realistic and what most teenage boys wear, as our film is a social realism genre film it was appropriate also the locations, victorian streets and houses are typical of working class areas and realistic in the genre of our film.

Jane and Rukhsar

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Good Jane and Rukhsar! However you need to keep blogging on your progress regularly! How is the shoot going etc... Have you changed ideas inr elation to your storyboard?

Also include your props list (including costumes) and discuss your choice of locations and why you will use them. Keep blogging!

Miss McNulty