Friday, March 27, 2009

Storyboard 2. 27/03/09

This is our Storyboard below,  its gives a brief description of the shots and expressions we will use in our video and we will follow this throughout our task.

Jane and Rukhsar

Storyboard 27/03/09


Next we'll upload our storyboard onto our blog to show our plan for our opening film sequence. We have drawn out our rough i idea and the story of the sequence, we've decided our mise-en-scene, most of our cinematography ideas and our locations for the opening. We have a an idea for our music but not 100% sure yet. So when we upload our storyboard we can hopefully start going out and filming


Thursday, March 26, 2009

Feedback 26/3/09

A very good prelim task! Remember to put on your feedback from your questionnaires now and remember to keep blogging your progress - at least once a week!
You should scan and upload your storyboards when you have finished your planning.
Miss McNulty

Monday, March 23, 2009

Preliminary Task 23/03/09

From completing our Preliminary Task and looking back at it several times, we found many parts of the sequence that we were happy about, e.g. the 180 degree rule, the shot reverse shot used and especially the acting and the help from the characters who volunteered to appear in this sequence. The main things we are looking to improve on for our actual video project is to be more organised, improve on our style of acting, work on the camera work to shoot video sequences in near-professional quality, and most of all, work on confidence to make our social realism movie look real!

Jane and Rukhsar

Preliminary Task

Friday, March 13, 2009

Target Audience 13/03/09

For our film based on social realism in the UK, we must concentrate on what target audience will be best suitable. Due to the inclusion of violence, teenagers, music and similar elements, me and Jane have decided to make our film appeal to mature teenagers aged 15 and over, and to young adults with an age range from 15-35. The film will be made to appeal to female people as well as the male gender, to target both sexes in order to create a wider audience.

We have also looked at similar products to see how well they did at the box office. An example of a successful movie based on social realism in the UK is a recent film released in June 2008 called "Adulthood", which gained worldwide success and an international and worldwide gross of $5,922,805 (Ref: . Due to the success of social realism films in this country, we are certain that we will produce an opening sequence that will be very appealing to a wide audience.


Thursday, March 12, 2009

Feedback 12/3/09

Good Rukhsar and Jane! Good research but don't forget to outline who your target audience is - include an age range, gender etc... and why your film will appeal to this audience.

Also look at similar products - did they do well at the box office? Include facts and figures (try Is there a market for your product?
Miss McNulty

Monday, March 9, 2009

Our Questionnaire

We asked 10 people, teenagers, our target audience a few questions to see if we were right about our choice of genre and audience and we found out what most of our 10 participants like about our choice of genre.
Our questions were

1 Have You Watched any of these social realism films?

- Trainspotting

- East Is East

- Kidulthood

- Adulthood

- Billy Elliott

2)Name one thing you liked about it.

3)Name one thing you disliked about it?

4) What aspects of social realism films appeal to you?

5) Did you watch it at a Cinema/buy it on DVD/ buy a pirate copy/ buy a video?

Our results were as follows:

- Trainspotting- four out of the ten people have watched it
- East is East- three out of the ten people have watched it
- Kidulthood- nine out of the ten people have watched it
- Adulthood- four out of the ten people have watched it
-Billy Elliott-eight out of the ten people have watched it

2)Aspects of the film which they liked were:
the violence, the grittiness and how it is realistic

3)Aspects of the film which they disliked were:
it can be too dull and very saddening however most of the participants,seven, said there was nothing they disliked about the film

4)The aspects of social realism which appealed to the participants were:
youth crime, real life stories which occur all around, real life people,events etc

5)Most of the participants either have the film on DVD or VHS or watched it at the cinema

These results helped us see that the genre social realism is a good genre to make a film aimed at teenagers because it appeals to them and be successful as teenagers are big buyers of films and we know that social realism appeal to teenagers because it contains things which they find entertaining to watch, violence, drug abuse and sex all real things that happen in the real world. In general Social Realism films do well with teenagers in Britain, at least one of our five films we asked if the participants watched they watched at least one of them.

Jane and Rukhsar

Kidulthood Opening

Kidulthood Analysis

Another opening which inspired us for our project is the opening sequence for Kidulthood. There are loads of events that are happening and they all link but the audience doesn't know what is actually going to happen from the events that are taking place. A boy is building a gun, the audience have enigmas etc because they don't know where that gun is going to come in, a girl is being bullied, again what is going to happen to her or what is she going to do? Another girl is trying to talk with her ex about something important, what is it that is so important? All the quick events that are happening all in one morning at school straight away get the audience involved and gets them hooked into the film and want to know what happens in the rest of the film. This is again something which we want to achieve and the tempo of it is one which we would like, the fast pace makes it more exciting.
Jane and Rukhsar

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Trainspotting Analysis 5/3/09

In the extract below, the opening for the film 'Trainspotting' by Danny Boyle we are shown the typical working class side of Britain. Straight away the audience are hooked into the opening of this movie, as there is fast-paced music and fast action as two working class men are running away from something, but the audience don't know why they are running and who they are running from and these are the equilibriums set for the audience. This is the reason why we picked this movie as an inspiration because we want our opening sequence to grab the audiences' attention straightaway because questions are raised, and enigmas are set. Trainspotting also is a social realism genre film which is also another aspect which inspired us with our project.
 Jane and Rukhsar

Trainspotting Opening Sequence

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Research tasks

Rukshar, please see the word document entitled 'Blogs Research Task sheet' on the media section of moodle. Jane, i ran through this with you in lesson yesterday! Please ensure you divide tasks equally and have all research complete by monday's lesson so you're ready to storyboard.
(Mrs A)

Monday, March 2, 2009

First Ideas 2/3/09

We have chosen to do an opening film sequence because we wanted to try out filming the issues that occur in Britain today.

The members of this group are Rukhsar and Jane.

Our film project genre is mainly Social Realism however it is a hybrid because it will have elements of comedy,romance and teenage life because it is aimed at teenagers, therefore the hybridity makes it not really depressing and all about social realism so teenagers won't feel too grim. The hybridity also will make the project appeal to more audiences.

Similar products to our film project are Trainspotting, Kidulthood and Skins, all involve problems with society and teenagers, and the struggles everyday people in Britain 
face, so interesting to the British public especially British teens.

We think our product would be successful because it is about 'real issues' in the 'real' Britain, which appeals to the British public, we know this because the similar products above which inspired us have all been very successful in cinema and TV.

However our USP is that our product shows the violence and racial conflict that is in Britain today, therefore the story line is very different to Trainspotting, Kidulthood and Skins but it is about a teenager struggling with the hard side of life in a deprived area in Britain.

We will produce a questionnaire to find out what aspects people would find interesting and their input would help us as we would be able to find out what we can do to appeal to the audience. Also we will be watching similar films with the same sort of genre to see what aspects of the film were successful and what aspects weren't, which will help us make our product as good as we can. We also will research some issues that occur and try and put it into our flashbacks so that the story line is more realistic

Jane and Rukhsar