Monday, March 9, 2009

Our Questionnaire

We asked 10 people, teenagers, our target audience a few questions to see if we were right about our choice of genre and audience and we found out what most of our 10 participants like about our choice of genre.
Our questions were

1 Have You Watched any of these social realism films?

- Trainspotting

- East Is East

- Kidulthood

- Adulthood

- Billy Elliott

2)Name one thing you liked about it.

3)Name one thing you disliked about it?

4) What aspects of social realism films appeal to you?

5) Did you watch it at a Cinema/buy it on DVD/ buy a pirate copy/ buy a video?

Our results were as follows:

- Trainspotting- four out of the ten people have watched it
- East is East- three out of the ten people have watched it
- Kidulthood- nine out of the ten people have watched it
- Adulthood- four out of the ten people have watched it
-Billy Elliott-eight out of the ten people have watched it

2)Aspects of the film which they liked were:
the violence, the grittiness and how it is realistic

3)Aspects of the film which they disliked were:
it can be too dull and very saddening however most of the participants,seven, said there was nothing they disliked about the film

4)The aspects of social realism which appealed to the participants were:
youth crime, real life stories which occur all around, real life people,events etc

5)Most of the participants either have the film on DVD or VHS or watched it at the cinema

These results helped us see that the genre social realism is a good genre to make a film aimed at teenagers because it appeals to them and be successful as teenagers are big buyers of films and we know that social realism appeal to teenagers because it contains things which they find entertaining to watch, violence, drug abuse and sex all real things that happen in the real world. In general Social Realism films do well with teenagers in Britain, at least one of our five films we asked if the participants watched they watched at least one of them.

Jane and Rukhsar

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